An Asynchronous Lent Planning Workshop
The Rev. Mark Jefferson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Homiletics at Virginia Theological Seminary provides a reflection on the season of Lent to start the workshop.
Sarah Bentley Allred ('19), Editor of Building Faith, facilitates the rest of the workshop in which participants receive a planning template to use during the session and a list of resources that might be helpful. We hope this space will inspire intentional, creative planning for Lent 2022 in your context.
Mark Jefferson
The Rev. Mark Jefferson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Homiletics at VTS offers a meditation on the season of Lent.
Sarah Bentley Allred
Sarah Bentley Allred ('19), Editor of Building Faith, facilitates the workshop.
Workshop Curriculum
Lent Planning Document
Our thoughtful planning document will help users to reflect on the season of Lent in their specific context and consider what fits for this year. It includes the lectionary readings for the season and is helpfully formatted into a fillable PDF that users can download.